My Journey: Whole30 Day 23
Whole30 day 23 has me entering the final leg of this challenge and suddenly negative self talk has entered my mind. I find myself doubting my efforts and worrying what the scale is going to say. Even though weight loss is an added bonus of the Whole30 challenge I have heard so many people report they have lost 15-20 pounds. Yes, that would be a wonderful bonus for me and motivate me even more to do a second round because I would like to lose 40 pounds over the summer.
Whole30 Day 23 Menu {Food Choices}
- Fried Egg
- Roasted Sweet Potatoes
- Uncured Bacon
- Blah-ck Coffee
- Garlic Green Beans
- Chicken Apple Sausage
- Cauliflower Salad {recipe below}
- Pear
- Cashews
- Key Lime Larabar
Cauliflower Salad Recipe
I made this recipe today with ingredients I needed to use up in the fridge. The riced cauliflower reminds me a lot of couscous. I combined some vinaigrette recipes and came up with this one.
- Riced Cauliflower {I used half a head}
- Chopped Green Onions {3 stems}
- Chopped Red Pepper {I used half of a red pepper}
Vinaigrette – whisk ingredients together, pour over salad, stir well and chill for 30 minutes
- 1/4 cup of olive oil
- 2 tbsp. red wine vinegar
- 1/2 lime, squeezed {optional}
- 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
- 2 gloves of crushed garlic
- salt and pepper to taste
- dash of cayenne pepper {optional}
Whole30 Exercise {Fitbit Steps}
Yes, I met my weekend goal and logged 10,000 steps today. I walked for 30 minutes while my daughter was at therapy, I walked around my neighborhood for 20 minutes, I did some yard work and then I went grocery shopping. All those activities added up to 10,035 steps. I am back to loving my Fitbit. {affiliate link}
Whole30 Emotions {worried}
I am trying to get over the self doubt phase but I have to admit I will be really upset if I don’t lose at least 12 pounds. I feel like I have stuck to this program without intentionally cheating and I have drank nasty blah-ck coffee for almost 30 days. My body better cooperate and let go of these extra pounds.
*This post contains affiliate links. I share what I use and love. Sharing the love with you.*
It’s so hard to do so much work and not know if it’s going to pay off the way you want it to. I applaud you for not stepping on the scale. For years and years it was the first thing I would do every morning when I woke up. It had become like a ball and chain – and would influence how I felt about my whole day before it even started. I have only just in the last few months challenged myself to not step on it every day… Though I do still get on the scale a few times a week. It’s crazy how sometimes the little things get such a hold of us. Keep up the good work Denise!!! You’re doing so great!!
I used to weigh myself daily too. It is quite liberating not being tied to a daily number to gauge my progress but I have to say the way I feel and the way my clothes are fitting is a good indicator that things are going as planned. Regardless of the number this is all worth it.
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