Whole30 Day 4: Head Ache Has Arrived

My Whole30 Day 4 Journey

The Whole30 day 4 has brought me to the head ache phase. I was truly hoping that the head ache phase would bypass me but it arrived in full force today like a sledgehammer. So bad I almost didn’t go to work today. So bad it came in waves with nausea and vomiting. I think at one point I even compared how I felt to morning sickness with a never ending head ache. {Not even possible, so the answer is no.}

I seriously thought for a millisecond that I would eat a donut if it made my head ache go away. But then I stopped and thought about all the hard shit I have endured over the last year and this head ache is nothing in comparison to a mother’s broken heart. I am STRONG and I will get past this head ache.

whole30 day 4

My Whole30 Day 4 Food {Menu of the Day}

I only remembered to take one picture today but no big deal because I already see a pattern forming with my food choices. I typically eat the same thing two days in a row. Not for lack of variety as I don’t feel deprived or bored in the least but my fridge is so full of food and leftovers and I don’t want to waste anything.


  • Hard boiled egg
  • Raw veggies
  • Blah-ck coffee {which is getting easier and easier to drink}


  • Salmon salad
  • Almonds
  • Larabar


  • Vegetable and sausage stir fry
  • Shrimp cocktail {Minus the cocktail sauce}

My Whole30 Fitness {Fitbit Steps}

Surprised myself with 5,000 steps today. I do have a desk job and typically don’t get much walking in but today that was not the case. With a raging head ache I managed to get that many steps in without trying. Tomorrow I challenge myself to do better than 5,000.

My Whole30 Feeling {Determined}

Even thought I felt like total crap today I am still very determined to finish this challenge and not cheat. I want to be the example for my girls too as they are doing really well on their own. I asked my daughter how her first Whole30 day at school was and she responded “filled with temptations as everyone around me ate burgers and fries” and then she proceeded to tell me she almost ate a pop tart but thought about it and decided not to do it. {I told her my thoughts about eating a donut.} I am really proud of my girls and I truly hope they don’t enter the head ache phase.

You can continue to follow my journey at Whole30 day 5.


  1. Sarah says:

    I’m SOOOOOO proud of you!!!! Headaches are the worst. I dealt with mine yesterday- I know sugar is bad for me and I shouldn’t be surprised when this happens every.single.time I cut it out, but I forget… Keep up the good work!!

    • Denise Bryant says:

      Thank you Sarah….today was a better day…much better day. Congrats to you on surviving the head ache and giving up sugar.

  2. Ashley says:

    Coincidentally started the Whole30 on April 1st as well! Glad to have someone else’s perspective on it all. Have not had a serious headache yet, but I have had trouble sleeping at night with mild headaches. I was a major sweet-aholic, so I’ve been worried what my body will think without it!

    • Denise Bryant says:

      Hi Ashley…so glad you found my Whole30 Challenge. Keep coming back for my daily updates and please feel free to share any tips or suggestions in the comments.

  3. Sarah says:

    Proud of you…you are an inspiration. I have thoughts of cutting things out, but not the whole30 yet. Feeling less bloated with a flatter stomach though is pretty good motivation to think about it. 🙂

    • Denise Bryant says:

      I am totally being honest when I say it’s not that bad. The first few days there was a lot of thinking about food, or a lot of saying “I can’t have that” but I really don’t feel deprived or like I missing out on anything. The only bad day was day 4 with the head ache but other than that it’s been good. Sarah…you could totally do this.

  4. Josie Sumerlin says:

    Headaches are the worst but I should do this. I had gestational diabetes and its in my family.

    • Denise Bryant says:

      Josie….the head ache was horrible but I survived the one day of misery and feel great now. I had gestational diabetes 3 out of 4 pregnancies which makes me more susceptible as an adult. I have learned a lot about food and sugar in the week I have been doing this and I know my habits will carry over after the 30 days are complete.

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