Inexpensive Homemade Chalk Paint

Have you joined the chalk paint craze yet? I love the look and feel of Chalk Paint but I definitely don’t like the price range from $6-$40 for a quart of chalk paint. So I did what any thrifty DIYer would and headed straight to Pinterest. After doing some research I decided to make my own homemade chalk paint.
How to Make Homemade Chalk Paint Banner

There are tons of DIY recipes out there and if you read my post about making the French Toast Casserole, you know that I can’t follow a recipe to save my life. I ended up combining formulas and making my own mash-up recipe for Chalk Paint.

Homemade Chalk Paint Recipe

My go to paint for making homemade Chalk Paint is Valspar at Ace Hardware. This paint has awesome coverage, color choices to match any project you are working on and best of all… the samples go on sale for $1.99 every couple of months.

homemade chalk paint made with Valspar paint sample

You are limited to 4 cans tinted with 4 different colors but that doesn’t stop me from dragging my kids along to buy their own 4 cans nor has it stopped me from going back the next day for 4 more cans. {Silly Ace Hardware.} Because the Valspar paint samples are slightly under two cups the Chalk Paint might get a little thick over time but I just add some water and stir it well to thin it out.

I have used homemade Chalk Paint for just about everything in my house including the repurposed cabinet in my recent pantry makeover and my spindle leg table with grain sack stenciled top. I have yet to find a surface that Chalk Paint doesn’t stick to.

Homemade Chalk Paint Laminate Cabinet

I have also used the more expensive brands of Chalk Paint and I can honestly say it works just as well if not better. Another great thing about homemade Chalk Paint is that you aren’t limited on color choices. If Valspar doesn’t have the color option you like Ace Hardware can color match for you….including other stores and brands. {My most recent Valspar paint was color matched to Behr paint purchased at Home Depot.}

I encourage you to take the leap and try to make your own homemade Chalk Paint. There are several recipes with different mediums to give the paint that chalky consistency.

How to Make Homemade Chalk Paint


  1. Happy Happy Nester says:

    Ok, I have the plaster paris and was going to try this on my own a while back. Now you have inspired me and I will definitely use your recipe! Love this post! Can you come and help me paint my piano?

  2. Lisa says:

    I have actually used this recipe and I have to say you can’t tell the difference between it and a $38 can.

    • Denise Bryant says:

      I totally agree. I have compared it to the expensive brands and I really can’t tell the difference. I have done several pieces, all types of surfaces, and haven’t had any problems with this recipe.

  3. Vicki K. says:

    Is that really laminate that you painted? Did you do anything to rough up the surface before you painted? Just curious because my kitchen cabinets are laminate.

    • Denise Bryant says:

      Yes, it is a laminate cabinet I picked up from the Habitat Restore for $38. I did lightly sand the doors and wiped it off with a damp rag but I typically don’t do that with wood projects. I also painted my bathroom cabinets over a year ago and they are still going strong with no scratches or wear.

    • Denise Bryant says:

      Susie…thank you for your kind words and comments. Thanks for coming to visit and I hope you come back often.

  4. Meegan says:

    How fun for you! I am so glad you tried your recipe. Isn’t it fun to make your own? I hope you have a a lot of fun and enjoy painted furniture for a long time 🙂

    • Denise Bryant says:

      Thank you Meegan….chalk paint can be so addicting. I want to paint everything and having an inexpensive DIY recipe sure does help the budget.

  5. Maria @ Pastels & Macarons says:

    I made homemade chalk paint recently and I was very happy with it! Do you seal it with a clear wax after though so that it doesn’t mark as easy? Would love to get your feedback on this? I didn’t and to be honest what I painted hasn’t been touched much but I want to pain some chairs and scared they will look horrible quickly with the constant use.

    • Denise Bryant says:

      Yes, the green cabinet was sealed with a brown antique wax however, the gray cabinet in the pantry was not sealed…yet. I will add a clear wax to that. I also have a white table that will be sealed with clear wax.

  6. Kellie says:

    You have totally inspired me!! I love this post! I just joined the tribe over on FB 😉 from Blogging over Breakfast! It is so nice to have found your blog!! It is really well done!! spot on!

  7. Sarah Sanders says:

    LOVE this post! Here’s my only question (and the one thing that has made me hesitate to chalk paint anything) – Is waxing it a pain? I’m envisioning lots of elbow grease and sweat every few months….please tell me I’m wrong?! Id’ love to try your recipe!

    • Denise Bryant says:

      I haven’t found waxing to be a problem at all. I put on the wax, buff it well and then let it “set” or “cure”. After that I treat it like any other piece of furniture.

    • Denise Bryant says:

      Toni…It depends on what type of finish I want it to have but I use an antiquing wax or clear wax…any brand.

  8. Susan Gallant says:

    I want to paint a fabric chair and use an egg shell finish latex paint with a primer in it that matches an accent wall can I make chalk paint out of that type of paint?

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