My Whole30 Day 9 Journey
Whole30 day 9 was a very productive day that started out with a trip to a new grocery store that had a ton of fresh, clean and organic foods. One of the things I am liking about this challenge is that I am also challenging myself to try new foods and flavor combos. The picture below is what I purchased at the first grocery store and then I made a trip to my regular grocery store because this place was super cool but super expensive.
Today I found some fermented purple cabbage and beets that I am nervous and excited to try. I also found 2 new salad dressings to try because I am obsessed with finding the perfect salad dressing. I am going to make a brussel sprout & kale salad tomorrow and the “living” lettuce is going to make the perfect “taco shells or wraps”.
My Whole30 Food {Menu of the Day}
- 2 servings chorizo, peppers, sweet potatoes, & onions topped with a fried egg {aka breakfast bowl}
- blah-ck coffee
- cashews
- coconut Larabar
- Starbuck blah-ck coffee {it felt so wrong to order plain coffee at Starbucks}
- Half of a hamburger
- sugar free ketchup & mustard, lettuce, onion and avocado
- roasted sweet potatoes
- sautéed asparagus with garlic and ghee
My Whole30 Fitness {Fitbit Steps}
I did a lot of walking earlier in the day and hit 6,700 steps today. I thought I would hit 10,000 but I was super motivated to cook in the kitchen all afternoon and never left for a walk around the neighborhood. Had I set the alarm on my phone it would have reminded me to get out and walk. {Note to self: set the alarm.}
My Whole30 Feelings {eager to cook}
So today my girls told me they are tired of fruits and veggies and have done some cheating this week. I am not surprised because they aren’t eating a variety of foods during the day like I am. They don’t prepare and pack their lunches the night before and they just grab fruit for breakfast as they run out the door. I told them that I will help them be more prepared and that I don’t expect them to stick to this 100%. My hopes are that they learn about nutrition and carry some of these habits with them later. I also told them that I wasn’t forcing them to do this and if they wanted to stop at any time I would be ok with that choice. They decided they wanted to continue with a slightly modified plan that include an occasional treat. I’m very proud of them.
You can continue to follow my journey at Whole30 day 10.
My daughter is doing it with me too and although I’ve been traveling a lot she’s been sticking to it and I’m so proud! Glad your girls are going to stick with you!
Making the Most of Every Day
Yes, I am really proud of my girls too. It sure does help to have support from my “team”.