Master Bedroom Closet Makeover Preview

This Master Bedroom Closet Makeover Preview is being brought to you today due to a challenge I accepted from a group of my creative blogger friends. We all agreed to choose a room that needed a makeover and the only set rule is that I can’t spend more than $100. Yes, we all have Champagne Taste on a Kool-Aid Budget.


I have lived in this house 11 years and I am long over due for a master bedroom closet makeover.  When we first moved in I was thrilled to have a walk-on closet but over the years I quickly learned that it had a lot of wasted space, there wasn’t any storage options and my closet became a dumping ground for everything.


I tried to get my shoes organized by adding some unused bookshelves on each side but as you can see my collection of shoes were no match for those lame bookshelves.


The only other shelves I had in the closet were across the very top of the clothing bars and it was so high I couldn’t reach anything so I basically just tossed things up into the baskets and hoped it stayed put.


One of the very first things I did for my master bedroom closet makeover was to empty the entire closet, sort and purge everything and I mean everything. If I hadn’t worn it or used it in the last 6 months it went to the “get rid of it” pile. I ended up giving away 5 trash bags of clothes, 25 pairs of shoes and a dozen purses.


Needless to say, there is an exception to the “get rid of it” rule and it was also an emotional trip down memory lane as I found art projects from my kids, love letters from my and my Dad’s high school class ring. Sentimental things I don’t look at every day but have meaning to me.


After I purged my closet I decided how I wanted things laid out so that it was at least a functioning and efficient storage area. I stacked my bookshelves so they were on the same side of the closet. I labeled my baskets so there was no guessing what was inside them and I added a stepstool {a repurposed kiddie wooden chair} so that I could easily reach the items on the top shelf.


So now that you have seen the boring part of my master bedroom closet makeover preview you will have to wait for the full reveal on Thursday when I share all the cute and functioning details and you will get to see the round up of my 10 friends that will be sharing their room makeovers too.

If you are looking for more before and after organization projects you can take look at my pantry makeover.



    • Denise Bryant says:

      Thank you Lisa. I am diligently working to get the final details done. I am excited to see what everyone else has done with their $100.

    • Denise Bryant says:

      Yes, there was so much that I had forgotten about in my closet. Happy to say it’s still very organized and looks the same.

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